Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Lazy Sunday

I woke up early, much to my chagrin, and worked for 6 hours. It wasn't easy work since much of it was spent trying to get my parents on their way home. They left at 2:00 so you do the math.

After that, I tried to relax a bit. I took a shower, watched some tv, made some phone calls, and then decided to purchase an iPod.

I headed to a computer store on College, paid 55 cents for parking only to find out that they were closed. I decided to drive up to Yorkdale, because I wanted to check out Best Buy because they usually have open boxes at a discount, and if that failed I knew that I could zip over to the Apple store in the mall.

Well Best Buy was sold out, and completely unhelpful. As I made my way to the Apple store, I didn't hold out a lot of hope that I'd be walking home with anything but the relief of being out of a mall.

The overwhelming impression that I had of the store is how much I wish that I owned a store that needed four security guards, had a line up 25 people long all willing to spend hundreds of dollars, and whose aesthetics is the design equivalent to copulation.

After drooling over the products, I caught the eye of a completely pleasant salesboy. Not only did they have everything in stock, but as he was trying to sell me on the extended service plan, he let loose that there is a teacher's discount.

Now even though I am not working full-time, and turned down a subbing job not three days earlier, I am a card carrying member of the Ontario College of Teachers. It costs me enough so I was pretty happy when I found out that I will be saving 35 big ones. The only problem is that I don't, since the great wallet purge of 2005, carry my OCT membership card. Well, I don't think that I need to tell you that I decided to head home and get me card; I'll be heading back tomorrow morning before I get back to the hard work of sanding and painting.


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