Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Textbook Nugget

When most people have bouts of sadness and self-doubt, they keep it to themselves. Most people have a few drinks. Most people eat a tub of ice cream. Most people take the dog out for a walk and have a cigarette. Most people watch a mindless movie on television. Most people spend the day in bed. Most people go shopping. What I do is publish it on my blog for the whole world to see.

For all those people worried about me; please don't. I'm fine. Promise. Though there is something vaguely satisfying about receiving an email which begins, "Bloody depressing post..."

If you're looking for something a little cheerier, I went to see a taping of The Rick Mercer Report and had a delicious hamburger, mediocre fries, and a good pint after the show.

When I got back to my apartment, I realized that I had locked my keys inside. It's about as cold as it gets in Toronto (a laughable -5C) and I was worried since the upstairs neighbours weren't home and my spare key is wandering around bars in London. I called my sister and her husband offered to bring me a key tomorrow morning. I figured that that would be the best thing to do since there was no way that I was taking the GO Train to Ajax.

As I paced back and forth to the front and back of the house, and up and down the front steps checking the doors to see if they were, in fact, still locked, I resigned myself to couch crashing. I called Andrew but got a machine. I began walking over to his apartment, but then remembered that I had a friend's spare apartment key, and would go stay there. Moron! I didn't realize until I just now that the key, obviously, was on my key ring with my own apartment key. Clear thinking is lost when you're locked out.

Luckily, I walked back past my apartment and suddenly remembered being locked out this summer. I had managed to jimmy open a window and crawl in. I hoped against hope that I hadn't fixed the loose window at the same time hoping that it wouldn't be that easy to break into my apartment.

Though not nearly as simple as it had been in the summer, I did manage to get in. It's no mean feat considering that it's a half window for the basement. God bless the 32 inch waist; my non-jock physique pays off!

I did manage to smash my finger but it doesn't matter since I'm warm and soon to be snug in bed ready to face another day of plastering, painting, and listening to 9 hours of radio.


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