Relax...It's Blogging 101
Despite the dour tone of my last post, things are alright. Please don't panic. Please don't stop what you're doing and draft up a passionate email.
Even though things have been difficult lately, there have also been a lot of wonderful things that have happened to me. I sometimes forget those things but am fully aware that they have made me a better person.
As I sit here, at 3:09 in the morning, with a few hours before work, having had a few drinks and some embarrassing conversation, I am struck by the absurdity of this blog. I use this as a way to express myself and sometimes as a way to vent. As a good friend said in a rather flustered phone message (under his breath, by the way), "It's very honest."
My blog is exactly that. I don't hide too much from the world. I recognize how twisted it is to post about such things as Cancer, death, and failed relationships, but there is something oddly satisfying about posting it for the world to see. I don't believe that my life is a particularly unusual one, but I do take some (perhaps painful) pleasure in explaining to the world who I am and what I'm going through.
Though I know that my blog is read mainly by those who know me, I hope that all who visit find it interesting, at times funny, and worthwhile. To be honest, I don't really mind why it is you are here, but am thankful that during this difficult year, I have documented all my ups and downs. Hey, it might be worth something some day!
I dig it!
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