Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Bored Good Friday

I'm so bored, that I'm considering watching Coronation Street. It's a good thing that CTV runs Jeopardy against it.

I've been waiting all day for my Dad to arrive so that we can finish the renovations on the house. It's like waiting for a doctor's appointment. You know don't want it to come because it's going to be so unpleasant, but you'll be so relieved when it's all over.

I think that that's the biggest factor leading to my boredom. I would like to og out and do something, but I can't just ditch my Dad, and I can't ditch the work.

Well, Jeopardy's over. I'm never going to watch an episode of the Ghost Whisperer, and my only other channel has Air Farce on. TV goes off.

I haven't been running since Tuesday, I have something wrong with my hip. I felt good during my run, but I think that I slept in an awkward position and was in a lot of pain this week. I'm going to rest it for a few day and see how things go.

So yesterday, I visited www.astro.ca. I question the money that is being spent by the company to print website information on the foil liner of their yogurt tubs. I am the only person in the entire worl, who goes to the refrigerator grabs a tub of yogurt shakes it as the walk to the computer and then sits down at their desk and opens up a 650ml tub of yogurt. Yes, I eat it right out of the container. I'm a bachelor, and bachelors are allowed to do that; it's one of the advantages of being a bachelor.

My Dad has just arrived. I guess I'm off to work!


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out the irony of a bachelor eating yogurt.


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