Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Discovery Thursday

I posted here about an increase in visitors to my blog which coincided with Selley's reference to my blog. That was a month ago and since then my traffic has waned dramatically (see above chart of the past month). For some, as yet, unknown reason, my traffic has increased again. Yesterday saw a surge and that has continued today. I am constantly fascinated by this blog thing and tracking visitors has become something of a ritual (read: obsession).

The past couple have days have seen me get frighteningly little accomplished.

On Tuesday, I discovered that my favourite video game franchise, Sid Meier's Civilizations, is set to release Civilizations 4. I spent yesterday, therefore, trying to track it down. This was no easy task since most places didn't have it on the shelves and there appears to be some discrepancy regarding the game's release date in Canada. After work today I again searched it out. It was, again, pointless, but I did find out that it has been delayed until tomorrow. At least that was some useful information after several hours and many dozens of litres of gasoline.

I subbed today and also on Tuesday and came to the realization that what makes private school students unique is that a primary part of their education is discovering new and interesting ways not only to cause trouble, but, fundamentally, to cause trouble and not get caught. Public school students, in my experience, screw around and don't care if they get caught, but my (albeit limited) experience with private school students is that they are equally (though I wonder if they are perhaps even more) willing to cause trouble, but spend the vast majority of their time avoiding detection and punishment.

On an unrelated note, something else that I have just discovered is that when you do a spell check within blogger it detects "blog" as a spelling error. I suppose I shouldn't nitpick since I have been blogging here since April and this is the first time that I've even noticed that I could spell check within blogger.


At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a previous life I wrote online guidance for a text editor used by thousands (OK may a few hundred) of Dilbert types. It was only when we discovered they were copy and pasting into Word from the text editor because they didn't know that it had a spell check that we thought it would be quite a good idea to include it on the guidance


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