Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Google Bombs and All Things Geeky

When I hear a story like this, I always wonder to myself how long it's been happening before I've heard about it. I always hesitate to blog about current events as I expect that some of you will read this and say: "That is so August 2005."

While it is, of course, funny that the White House's biography of George Bush comes up with the search terms "failure" and "miserable failure," I just can't believe how much has been written about it.

If you need any further proof that the world is run by nerds, just go to the Wikipedia entry for Google Bomb. Scroll down to read about the long history of googlebombing, and check out the "Accomplished Googlebombs". They're good for a laugh. I especially like the results for gastrointestinal dysentery and mouton insignifiant.


At 7:42 PM, Blogger Nugget said...

I don't have any idea how to googlebomb. I'm geeky but not in any way that is in the slightest bit helpful.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Angelo Villagomez said...

It is easier than you think. You just link to a website using a particular phrase. The code looks something like this (just delete the spaces after the < and before the >):

< a href="http://www.kreschophouse.com" >gastrointestinal dysentery< /a >

If you write the code correctly it will look something like this:

gastrointestinal dysentery

A handful of blogs that are updated on a regular basis can make this happen. It is a lot easier to do if you use a phrase that currently only results in a small number of results from google.

Learn more here.


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