Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Unexplained Spike

I woke up this morning and checked out my blog traffic and was stunned to find a huge spike. For some as yet unexplainable reason I had a big jump in hits shortly after I posted my entry about Land of the Dead.

My blog has been completely unadvertised. I haven't sent out massive group emails, and my blog doesn't come up on any search engine (to my knowledge). Nevertheless from 9:49pm to 10:53pm last night there were 23 new people who visited my blog.

Now I know that this really isn't a lot of people. Most people would say, "Big deal, 23 visitors is nothing" but for my blog it represents about 8% of the total visitors. That number is even higher when you consider that most of my total has been the same people checking the posts a number of times. I would estimate that that 23 represents more than 50% of the unique visitors to my blog.

It's sad, but I'm just starting out. I'm actually quite stunned that anyone is reading this thing at all. The spike in visits is perplexing, but probably easily explainable. I am too new at this to suggest why the spike happened, but I suppose that with visitors from Singapore, Australia, and somewhere in the "Japan Standard Time/Russian Federation Zone 8" time zones I should be happy that my blog is global.


At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are now an international superstar Nugs!!! Let the millions of unsolicited requests for your body begin.

I googled & yahoo'd you and you were #1 on yahoo and under the listing for "blog listing letter D" on google, well back on page 4.

I know I stumbled onto your jazz from deep fried gold. btw, thanks for the heads up that you were writing this... jerk


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