Dignan and Anthony

Though certainly not controversial, political, or -some might say- interesting, this is my blog about the things that I see and do in my life. I guess that, in reality, that is all anyone blogs about, but this one is mine.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Toe Tuesday

We watched the horrendous special Tuesday night Hockey Night In Canada presentation last night. I found the Steve Yzerman ceremony to be some of the most boring television I have seen in quite a while. The first period of the game some 90+ minutes later wasn't much better.

During the evening, I was walking into the kitchen and stubbed my toe on the edge of the couch. It hurt like crazy and I felt like I was going to pass out, but I managed to keep it together. My little piggy that went wee wee wee all the way home was sore all night and made it difficult to sleep. I tossed and turned for much of the night because of it (also because it was so warm-- an uncomfortable -18).

I woke up this morning with a strange looking bruise on the top of the toe. It was very swollen and hurts to the touch. It is difficult to gauge whether or not I can move it since the little toe isn't very mobile when it is 100% healthy. I've never had a stubbed toe that has hurt so much for so long. It made a terrific cracking sounds when I hit it and the other people in the room winced when they heard it happen. I'm not sure if it is broken, but it might be. I can still walk, but I'm no doctor.

I'm going to have it looked at this afternoon. It should be very interesting to experience Nunavut's health care system. With luck, they'll laugh and say, "Just give your toe a couple of days for the swelling to come down and it'll be back to normal, you big baby!"


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